'Pelton-Coined' Unique Phrases, Concepts and Terms
Tele-Education and Tele-Health
Dr. Pelton, in his book Global Talk, was one of the first people to use the term tele-education and tele-health as used in his Pulitzer prize-nominated book Global Talk (1981). The cartoon at right is from his book Future Talk, a sequel to Global Talk.

INTELSAT's Project Share that Pelton headed led to China's satellite TV University that brought rural services to millions
Tele-Computer-Energetics and T-I-E Industries
In his writings Pelton has used two different terms that suggest that high-valence chip materials such as silicon, gallium arsenide , etc. that are the key to modern digital communications, computer processing, and solar photo-voltaic cells are vitally interlinked industries in terms of research breakthroughs that are vital to progress in which he had characterized as tele-computer-energetics, and the T-I-E Industries (for the Telecommunications-Information-Energy sectors ) The cartoon at right is from Future Talk.

Cartoon of the integrated Power of Tele-Computer-Energetics (From Future Talk)
Information Overload and TIUPILS, VIEWPILS, and GHUIDs
Anyone that ends up writing over 50 books and over 300 articles would like to pretend that they are an adept linguist and wordsmith. Pelton freely admits that he is neither. He relies heavily on editors from publishers like Elsevier, Springer and on his good friend and co-author Peter Marshall, for editorial precision, accurate spelling and ultimately cohesive writing. But what he enjoys a great deal is creating new concepts and words to go along with them. Some of his favorites are TIUPILs, VIEWPILs and GHUIDs. These are terms he invented to illustrate "Information Overload"-a growing problem in modern society which he has addressed in several books. A "TUIPIL", which is pronounced "two - pill", represents "typical information use per individual lifetime"; and a Viewpil, which is pronounced "view- pill" represents "viewing per individual lifetime". A Tiupil is roughly based on the idea that a typical human being lives to be 70 years old and reads, writes and speaks some 20,000 words a day, with a word being considered roughly equivalent to 1 to 2 bytes or 8 to 16 bits of information.
Thus a TIUPIL equates rather arbitrarily into 20,000 x 365 x 70 x 2 bytes = 1.022 billion bytes of information that we can round off to a simple billion words.
This rough calculation more or less assumes that this usage of words by humans somehow all averages out between loquacious speakers and writers with the taciturn and speechless. It certainly prudently ignores such things as the likelihood that some women probably go over their quota while men are much less verbal and less likely to express their feelings. (Definitely one of many assumptions best left ignored). This first calculation allows us to calculate a GHIUD-pronounced "good" - which is, of course, a Global Human Information Usage in a Decade. There are about 7.5 billion people on Earth and 10 Years in a decade. If we multiply a TIUPIL by 7.5 billion and divide by 7 (70 years/7 = a decade) we would get a result that says that humans in a decade would read, write and speak the equivalent of about 1.1 quintillion bytes of information. This would be expressed as an exponential as 1.1 x 10 to the 18th power bytes, which would seem to be a very large number indeed, which actually has a name: it is 1.1 exabytes. One estimate has been put together that suggests that all words ever spoken by human beings since the start of languages in all parts of the world would come to 5 exabytes. Frankly I believe this is on the high side. But let's consider what amount of information we can now send, receive, process and store in terms of today's fiber optic cables, communications satellites or large computer data storage facilities? What is interesting to consider is how much information could be transmitted over something like the ViaSat 1 communications satellite, which can transmit 140 gigabits of information per second. It turns out that just this one high-throughput satellite could pump through one half of a GHIUD in only a year's time. And this is just one of hundreds of communication satellites. And while the ViaSat 1 is a very fast communications satellite, there are fiber optic cable systems with over 800 strands of cable that have a total throughput rate that could exceed 10 terabits/second of throughput or over 1.25 terabytes/second of transmit capacity. Such a fiber system could pump through the equivalent of 36 GHIUDs a year. And let's not stop there. There are data storage facilities, such as the one that the U.S. National Security Agency has built in Utah, that is capable of storing Yottabytes of data. A Yottabyte is expressed as 10 to the 24th power bytes of information. This means this one facility could store the equivalent of 200,000 times the amount of words ever uttered in the history of human civilization. Huh?
This bring us up to VIEWPILs or Viewing Per Individual Lifetime. With today's digital processing and compression, a high-quality television channel can be sent over cable or via satellite at about 4 megabits per second. High Definition television requires on the order of 15 to 20 megabits per second. Remember a byte is 8 bits and it is important to keep these numbers straight. Any reference to a bit needs to be multiplied by 8 to get the corresponding number of bytes. What we also need to remember is that the human brain does not literally "see" everything it sees. It processes information to see patterns and information. According to Arthur C. Clarke, humans process information at the rate of only 64 bits/second. Indeed, he described a human as a "carbon-based bi-ped who processes information at 64 bit/second". Although there are thousands of times more information in a HDTV broadcast than a radio broadcast, the brain does not process much more than ten to a hundred times more information than it does with the spoken word. Otherwise our brains would, as expressed by one critic of television, be "turned into cornflakes." The point of all these linguistic and mathematical exercises related to TIUPILs, VIEWPILs, and GHIUDs is to note that the broadband systems we now have for communications, computer processing and storage are no longer being sized to accommodate human speech and conversation. These systems are being built to accommodate high-def television transmission and machine-to-machine communications. As we move more and more into the Age of the Internet of Things, that will next become the "Internet of Everything", digital communications will soar into levels of speed and volume unlike anything we have ever previously imagined. A company called Wind River, a subsidiary of Intel, has suggested that traffic generated by the Internet of Things may lead to a thirty-fold increase in data traffic in the four years between 2016 and 2020.
The "Protozone" or "Protospace"
One of the significant developments new developments in the field of space is not in 'outer space' at all but in the stratosphere. There is an area that Pelton has defined as above commercial air space and below the altitude where a satellite can be sustained in orbit for a viable period of time that he has dubbed the 'Protozone'. This is the area above 20 kilometer and below 160 km. Pelton has written and number of articles about the new applications for this new sector of possible military and commercial uses. These applications include high altitude platform systems, dark sky stations, robotic air freighters, space adventures/space tourism, and hypersonic transportation systems.

Stratobus HAPS Platforms by Thales-Alenia that would be deployed in the Protozone
Solar Shields
(Pelton's work in this area led to his winning the Lifeboat Foundation's Guardian Award for the year 2017)
The latest research into the reversal of the Earth's magnetic poles that indicates the magnetic North and magnetic South poles are switching. This is significant in that the Earth's natural protection against solar storms and particularly coronal mass ejections of a huge cluster of ions which can travel at millions of miles an hour would be greatly diminished. Some models indicate that the shielding against this solar storms would be reduced to 15% of what this natural shielding provides today. Studies that Pelton has carried out in cooperation with Dr. James Green of NASA suggest that a electro-magnetic shield might be deployed at Earth's Lagrangian Point 1 might be able to migrate these solar storms and protect Earth and its power grids, telecom and information networks and other key infrastructure that could be placed at great risk. A solar storm like the Carrington Event of 1859, according to a study by Lloyds of London has estimated the economic damage of such a study might be on the order of $2.6 trillion dollars. Dr. Green has also suggested that a solar shield of Mars could stop the solar wind stripping away its build-up of a natural atmosphere.

Concept of a Solar Shield for MARS that coud allow an atmosphere to form on the Red Planet (courtesy of Dr. James Green and NASA)